clarksville christian school

Lancaster Scholarship

Alayna and Jonathan Lancaster

Their Life

At Clarksville Christian School, our goal each and every day is to show Jesus to our students and help them grow as He did – in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. Jonathan and Alayna Lancaster are two students who modeled this ideal completely and exhibited Christ-likeness in every aspect of their lives.

The Lancaster siblings began their journey at CCS in the Fall of 2009 when Jon was in Second Grade and Alayna was starting Kindergarten. Over the years, the two flourished and thrived as they found themselves involved in just about every event and activity that CCS had to offer. Alayna was a member of the clay sports team, and was well on her way to becoming an All-American cheerleader. Jon played basketball, was a member of the clay sports team, and participated in numerous school clubs.

Both were honors-track students who also shared a passion for theatre and choir. Alayna had a beautiful and versatile voice that enabled her to sing soprano or alto as the choir needed. Jonathan had a powerful and distinctive tenor voice. By his senior year, he had earned a spot on both the Mid-State and All-State Concert Choirs.

Their Love

Above all, Jonathan and Alayna Lancaster had a heart for God and were genuine Christian role models on campus. Their love for God and others, and the manner in which they lived out their faith, truly represented the heart of a Centurion.

During his senior year, Jon served as Chaplain for the Student Government Association. Alayna was the spiritual leader of her cheer squad and was often called upon to lead her teammates in prayer and devotionals. Long before that, however, they were individuals the other students could count on at any time for prayer, encouragement, and support.

Alayna Lancaster Praying
Alayna and Jonathan Lancaster Scholarship

Their Legacy

Following our loss of these two beautiful souls, Jonathan and Alayna’s parents, Bryan and Dana, reflected upon the impact that CCS had in the lives and Christian walk of their children. They further expressed their wish that other students could have the same opportunity to attend CCS just like their children had.

The CCS Board and Administration began exploring ways to honor Jonathan and Alayna and to acknowledge the difference they made at Clarksville Christian School. After much prayer and consideration, the decision was made to create The Jonathan and Alayna Lancaster Memorial Scholarship Fund.

At Jonathan and Alayna‘s memorial service, we were reminded that they were with Christ, which is far better than anything this world can offer. We fully believe that this is true, and we also know that CCS is far better because of the lives they lived, the love they had, and the legacy they leave.