students wearing ffa jackets




Unlock your potential and become a dynamic leader through your experience in Leadership Academy. This academy blends character development, practical skills, and real-world applications, preparing you to make a positive impact in your community and beyond. Embrace the journey of self-discovery, collaboration, and growth. Explore our Leadership Academy today and pave the way for a future filled with leadership excellence!

Leadership team

At A Glance

Core Principles of Leadership

Leadership development is foundational for personal and professional advancement. This includes character building to uphold integrity and ethics, mastering teamwork and communication skills, and actively engaging in mentorship and networking. Entrepreneurial skills and practical applications complement these principles, forming a holistic approach to effective leadership.

Leadership Skills Development

Developing leadership skills involves honing decision-making, problem-solving, and strategic thinking abilities. Continuous learning, seeking mentorship, and applying these skills across various roles and industries are essential. Leadership skills empower individuals to inspire teams, drive success, and contribute meaningfully to organizational goals.

Character Building & Teamwork

Character building encompasses integrity, responsibility, resilience, and empathy, fostering trust and ethical conduct. Effective teamwork relies on clear communication, collaboration, and mutual support among team members. By embracing these principles, individuals and teams can achieve synergy, innovate, and succeed collectively.



Foundations of Leadership

Throughout this program, participants will explore the core elements of effective leadership, including character building, communication, teamwork, and ethical decision-making.

Business Information Management

Get ready to delve into data management, digital collaboration, and ethical considerations while discovering exciting career pathways in information management.

Leadership and Social Responsibility*

Through interactive learning, discussions on social issues, and hands-on projects, students will develop crucial leadership qualities such as communication, problem-solving, and ethical decision-making.

Business Law

Through interactive learning activities, case studies, and mock legal proceedings, you will develop a solid understanding of legal concepts, ethical considerations, and career pathways in the legal field.

Effective Communication*

From improving listening and speaking abilities to mastering written and digital communication, this curriculum will equip you with the tools needed to express yourself effectively, build positive relationships, and succeed in academic, social, and future professional endeavors

Dual Credit - Intro to Speech

Through engaging lessons on speech preparation, organization, delivery, and ethical considerations, you'll learn how to confidently communicate ideas, engage with audiences, and make impactful presentations.

male students standing outside

How to Apply

Students who wish to take part in this program will need to apply and be accepted into the program. To apply, you must provide the following:

  1. Application
  2. Two Teacher Recommendations
  3. Complete the Essay Prompts
  4. Mentor Form: Sponsorship form someone in a STEM profession who will serve as your mentor during your time in the ETI program.
  5. A GPA of 3.5 or higher in Math and Science and a score of 60% or higher in Math on MAP assessment

At this time, the program can accommodate a limited number of students per class. All qualified students will need to take the Engineering & Technology requisite course as an elective during their freshman year, if class size permits.